One of the joys I have had in being a part of Journey Community Church all these years is actually playing a vital role in naming it. In 1998 we, as a leadership team, through a series of events, were sensing a need to change our church name that would give us our own unique identity.
Through a series of conversations and meetings some of the suggestions being tossed around were East County Community Church, East County Christian Church, Gateway Community Church amongst many others -- nothing was clicking or settling right.
As a last minute ditch effort I suggested Discovery Community Church with the tag line, "where you discover your life's purpose." It didn't catch on with any one on the team.
Then before we were to enter a meeting where we would decide the name of the church amongst one of the earlier sugguestions, I was having a conversation with work colleague about our future options. Nothing new was coming to the forefront.
Then through the corner of my eye, I noticed the Journey Bible on my book shelf, I went and grabbed it and what caught my attention was the tag line "A Bible for Seeking God and Understanding LIfe." Then I rememberd stating outloud, "Journey a Church for Seeking God and Understanding Life." Though we didn't keep the tag line -- the name Journey really stuck with us hence the name we have today.
Over the years we have recognized how Journey truly does embody who we are as a church -- for we, as we often say, are on a spiritual journey. And we further say that regardless of where you may be in your journey -- whether you are in the earliest stages where you are just beginning contemplate God's role in your life or further along where you are wrestling with how to live by faith and passionately follow Him -- you are all welcome.
In addition we have also come to recognize how image laden "Journey" is how we have been able to use it through out our ministry life -- here are some of my favorite examples:
- My Journey -- what is often referred to as a testimony
- Basic Journey -- our new believers class
- Heart of the Journey -- our spiritual formation and practices seminar
- Journeymen -- men's ministry
- Our Journey -- spiritual growth process
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